Two Fridays ago, Dennis' boss, Andy, took his staff out for a good time because that's what smart bosses do. Happy staff equals, well, happy staff. I was invited, too!
I'm off earlier on Fridays than Dennis is, so I met up with him, his co-workers and Andy at their school. We ended up going to a Korean restaurant on the second floor of the same building their school is in. His co-workers are nice and normal, good people to hang out with in the future. When I finally met Andy, he kept apologizing about not hiring me. See, originally Dennis and I didn't want to work at the same school in order to save our marriage. But then when we realized how hard it was for me to get a job teaching in Korea because I'm Asian, Dennis tried to get his boss to hire me. He didn't want to hire me because of the fact that I'm Asian, so that was that. He actually told Dennis that it was his wife who was against it. Whatever the case, I wasn't hired based on my looks. And it is what it is. Frustrating as hell for me, but I eventually found a position and I'm here now.
Anyway, Andy was super nice to me all night, making sure I always had a drink in my hand and constantly asking me, "Miss Maryanne, are you okay?" As he got more and more drunk, he got more and more concerned for everyone's well-being. He's a really, really nice guy. I wish I could say the same for the owner of my school. He's a big meanie! On my first day of work, he was screaming at the Korean teachers because of how messy the staffroom was. Way to boost morale on day one, douche bag. So, back to the restaurant, Andy kept giving us soju, beer and more soju, and tonnes of barbecued meat, so our table kept getting louder and louder by the minute. The place was busy, mainly with families (one of the school's students was there with her family), so the staff kept on shushing us and telling us to keep in down. When Andy realized that one of students and her family were there, he immediately left the table to go brown nose them.
After dinner and many, many drinks later, we all went to a bar to (you guessed it) drink even more. Good times in there. I took video, but my computer is so old it's not able to handle the high quality format the video's taken with. I'll try to load it. Andy was so drunk at the bar, he excused himself twice to puke. Haha! What a crazy boss. I like him. When he got back from one of his puke fests, he told us that we're moving on to phase 3 of the night... karaoke! I hate going to karaoke bars, but if I have enough alcohol in me, I'm okay with it.
Once at the norae bang (karaoke bar), Andy ordered more drinks and a fruit platter. We belted out our worst versions of Spice Girls, Billy Joel, Toto, etc. and eventually called it a night. It was a very fun night, but that's something I could only do once a month at most.
Oh yeah, Andy told Dennis and I that I'm always welcome to join them during staff dinners and outings. Yay! I'm even invited to their overnight staff "workshop" where they apparently just eat, drink, go four-wheeling and other fun stuff like that! I guess he must really feel bad about not hiring me to invite me along. Whatever... more fun for me! The staff convinced him to have the "workshop" on Jeju island here! It's like Hawaii, but in Korea. Andy agreed to it, but he was drunk so we'll see what really happens. Plus, he made that decision without consulting his wife first... the real boss, if he knows what's good for him.
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