Monday, May 30, 2011

last weekend and this coming long weekend

So we all have this coming Monday (June 6th) off for Memorial Day here in Korea. It's only one day, but I'll take it!! Our plan? Sleep in as much as possible. But that's gonna be hard to do if it's sunny and nice out. But we're trying to save as much money as possible, so we won't be doing anything too crazy.

This past weekend was really nice. Friday evening was spent at the all-you-can eat bbq place (again) with Dennis' co-workers. I arrived late because I wasn't hungry at all when they were all heading over, and I was super bloated and crampy and just felt like an enormous blimp as it's my "favourite" time of month. Arriving late was nice because when I got there the meat was all cooked and ready for devouring! We all (minus 2 who opted out) went for a drink and darts at a bar after dinner at some bar near our apartments.

Saturday was spent lazing about, until Dennis got antsy. So we went to Migeum (the area where I get picked up by the shuttle bus for school), to pick up some stickers for my kids (I'm so nice - haha). For some reason I can't find a decent (cheap) stationary store in our area that sells stickers. We then went to Ori (1 subway stop from Migeum) to the HomePlus to buy some much needed whole wheat bread, steam buns, and bagels (wow, carb city!). Once home, we scrounged for something to eat in our tiny kitchen, and I watched Pretty Woman while Dennis played around on his laptop.

Sunday we decided to go to the Express Bus Terminal subway stop to shop around for some art in the underground shopping area. Our apartment walls are screaming for decorative companions. Boy, was the underground shopping trip ever a bad idea that day. It was really hot out and the place just turned into a massive can of sardines thrown into an oven! We had the hardest time trying to find the tiny art shop - more like cubicle, so we gave up due to claustrophobia, heat exhaustion, and pure frustration (mainly on my part). When we got to street level, we regained normal breathing and decided to look for the French village that we tried to find the last time we were in the area. After a bit of walking, questioning our sense of direction, and of course frustration (mainly on my part again), we finally found it! It's called Seorae Village. If you asked me for directions on how to get there again I wouldn't be able to if it meant saving my life. But dammit, we got there! It was very cute. It really did kinda feel like we were in a different country. We stopped at a cafe for a drink, which apparently was much needed. I felt like a different person once I finished my green tea latte smoothy! The frustrated grump in me was gone.

We ended up finding the park in the village that Dennis read about. It was like finding a hidden gem! It was such a quaint and calming place. If it weren't for my damn stupidity in choosing the most painful sandals to walk in, we would have walked all around the place, but we cut the park stay a bit short to head home. However, once we left the park we were taken directly to the National Library of Korea! I couldn't pass it up. But we were very disappointed because once inside, we couldn't browse the collection because we needed a library card to get passed the gates. At least that's what we saw people doing. The sign said we didn't need a membership to browse the materials, but I was way too tired to be misunderstood by a worker there to ask what the protocol was, so we just headed home.

Back in our area, we decided to have dinner at Quiznos (after I went home and changed into flip flops, that is) and ate outside on the Quiznos patio. I think everyone and their dog was out on every patio on our street that day.... it was really nice. Ugh, we did not want the weekend to end!

I think we might head back to the park in the French village again and have ourselves a little picnic this long weekend! That is, if the weather permits.

Please remind me to wear more comfortable shoes!

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