Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I've been a bad blogger. Almost 2 months without a post. Shameful! Pure laziness is my excuse.

So, what's new with me? Well, work has kind of had its ups and downs. August was pretty bad for my students, behaviour-wise. They were so out-of-control! But I came up with this Quiet Game star system where all my kids start out with 5 stars beside their name and the rules are this...

I will erase one star for each of the following: speaking without raising your hand, speaking Korean, getting out of your seat, playing with your chair, falling off your chair, saying bad things to your classmates, touching your classmates, and most importantly, not listening to your teacher (me).

If they have 5 stars at the end of the day they get stickers to stick on their sticker sheet. When they fill their entire sticker sheet they get a present. So far this month this Quiet Game has been working well. I keep forgetting to give them stickers at the end of the day though because I often don't have them during the last block of the day. They usually have a different class with a different teacher last block. I also have to figure out what to get them as a present once they fill their sticker sheets. A lot of them are pretty dang close to filling it! Maybe that's why I haven't been giving them stickers. Heheh.

Anyway, what else has happened these past two months... ? Let me think and I'll post more later.

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